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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

FREE ebay Secret to get FREE traffic, from Marty Fiegl

I finished up a special report for you. If you actually apply what this report tells you to do, you WILL make more money, there's no question about that. But I want you to promise me one thing though.

I know when you read eBay keyword secrets you might want to keep the secrets to yourself. Well, I want you to do just the opposite. I want you to share this information with someone who you think will benefit from it. Send it to a friend, loved one, or if you have a double optin mailing list, let them know, tell them about it. They'll thank you for it!

Go read eBay Keyword Secrets now at:

If you click on the above link and want to save the file, click the little "disk" in adobe once it opens (it's near the top left corner under file).

Take Care,

Marty Fiegl

Unlimited FREE products to sell on eBay, from Marty Fiegl

Are you ready to... Tap into an endless supply of Products, sell them on eBay, and pocket the cash without spending a dime! FREE?

I hope so, because I've written a FREE report for you on how to do just that!

Your personalized copy is ready at:

Take Care,

Marty Fiegl

ebay Price Gap Secret, from Marty Fiegl

There is something extremely valuable I want to share with you today.

It's called the eBay Price Gap Secret.

You can read the full article at:


Marty Fiegl

The Collector's Strategies Free Newsletter

To pick up your free newsletter on selling antiques online, please visit here.

Freebies, from

Get 28 Auction Related eBooks for Free at:

Headline Analyzer - This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score.

Unlimited eBay Inventory - Learn the exact same strategies and tactics that Adam Ginsberg used to sell over $20 000 000 on eBay and make a fortune online.

Secret Page Spy - Find out all the secrets of your competition at the push of a button and catapult your website SEO standing and sales past them!

Free eBay book, from Eric's Tips

The Paradox

Here's a contradiction that you will need to learn to balance:
1) Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
2) Don't spread yourself too thin.

You need to balance those two efforts. Whenever I become too lopsided in one of those areas, my income starts to decline.

On the one hand, you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket. That's the whole concept of multiple streams of income. Those multiple streams are especially important on the internet because rapidly changing technology could cause one opportunity to disappear, and if that happens you need other streams to fall back on.

On the other hand, whenever I start spreading myself too thin, it hurts my business. It's just not possible to pursue EVERY opportunity that comes your way. It's better to do a few things very well, than to do many things half-arsed.

So here's what to do: choose ONE opportunity to start with. If it works well, then continue to develop it to the point of excellence and then start on another opportunity (a second stream of íncome). If the initial opportunity is a failure, then drop it and go on to a new one.

Don't waste your time on programs that don't work for you. What works for me might not work for you, and there are so many opportunities out there that there's no need for you to waste your time on the ones that aren't working for you.

I hope that this advice will put you into the right frame of mind as you read each new edition of Eric's Tips. And remember, I'm not perfect, but if you read my tips over the long term I believe you'll gain a valuable perspective on internet marketing, and you'll be alerted to hot new trends as I see them.

I've pretty well trained you to expect something free in every newsletter. That won't always be the case, but I don't want to disappoint you today, so here's another download (if you haven't already downloaded it):
Download My Ebay Ebook

Keep an eye out for the next edition of Eric's Tips...

Have a great day!

Eric Holmlund
Eric's Tips

Terry's free eBay Mail Bag, from I want collectibles

Complete information is at:

You need to install the software before the session. A few people had problems with it last time, so do it early so we can help you if you have problems.

Free eBay Report to Pocketing Thousands of Dollars, from Megapren Publishing

This report expose hidden method for instantly creating high demand information products, selling them on eBay & pocketing thousands of dollars.... while having no employees, working from your home & never running out of items to sell!

Get it here, and yes it is f-r-e-e...

Best Regards

Markku Saastamoinen

How to create auction titles that make money, from David Guindon

Here is a quick 'n' sweet video showing you how to create auction titles that Bring-The-Hits!

Newsletter 2, from Creative eBay Selling News

In this issue of the free newsletter:
1. Jim's new book "Part Time Plan" is ready - and FREE!
2. $50 thousand per month using "Pottery Barn"?

Please read here.

Free eBay resources, from Auction Learning Center

I'm writing you because I wanted to let you know about two very exciting things.

1. I just put up an eBay BLOG and I'm working on providing you with tons of great FREE eBay resources, News and Information to help you make money on eBay.
2. A recent discovery about a product that costs you NOTHING and can be turned into CASH has been uncovered (Don't worry I'll tell you everything FREE on my blog).

Visit my New Blog at: to learn about this new discovery in one of the latest posts!

Have a great day!


Newsletter 1, from Creative eBay Selling News

In this issue of the free newsletter:
1. Reader questions answered: -Selling things on eBay that you can't sell on eBay -Can you sell info products on eBay?
2. The Tim and Jim seminar on DVD
3. Quick Tips -What's hot for the Holidays? -Free report on the power of keywords -TODAY (Sept 14) last chance for Jim's new book free

Please visit here.

Wholesale Search, from WholesaleGopher News

Here is where you will see what the wholesale world has been searching for on Wholesalegopher this past week.

Discounted Handbags
Wholesale Products
Closeout Items
Overstock Apparel
Money To Start Wholesale Business

Also check out your true True wholesale source! Do what the nation's leading buyers of wholesale merchandise do -- rely on Dropshippers Bay as the wholesale source you will need.

How To Turn Ebay Bidders Into Long-Term Customers, from WholesaleGopher News

Once someone's bought something from you on eBay, you suddenly have all sorts of details on them. In marketing terms, this information is gold dust. If someone's bought from you once before, then the chances are that at some point in the future they'll want to buy a similar item, and you can take advantage of this to market to them directly.

Please continue here.

Two $0 goodies you don't want to miss, from

In this issue:
* NEW Auction Genius Course Begins Saturday, September 30
* Two $0 Goodies You Don't Want To Miss
1. Why I'm No Longer A Chicken-Hearted Wimp!
2. Cool Article Location Software
* An Interesting Success Tool
* How Does eBay's "Best Offer" Program Work?
* Food For Thought: I'll Never Complain Again!

If you would like to read this issue online

Free 7 Day e-course, from CBMall

Please visit here for your free course.